Guta Abeshu

Guta Abeshu

PhD Student (2017-2022)

University of Houston

Ecohydrology in a natural and built environment is my primary research theme, focusing on the novel use of large data sets for continental-scale research questions regarding catchment hydrology, vegetation dynamics, sediment hydrology, etc. My modeling research mainly focuses on water management infrastructures representations in the global hydrologic model.

I enjoy playing soccer, watching movies, and reading old science books during my free time.

  • Water Resources Systems optimization and Modeling
  • Hydrologic Remote Sensing
  • Prediction in ungauged basin
  • MAS in Sustainable Water Resources, 2015


  • MSc in Water Resources Engineering and Management, 2013

    Addis Ababa University

  • BSc in Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, 2009

    Arba Minch University
